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Join us for a chance to spend a wonderful day climbing with friends, competing against other universities and experiencing the wonder that is this community.
This brand new edition of the University Bouldering Series of Canada brings back the community you love with a different comp format, in a brand new gym. Come see how your club stacks up!
WHEN: Saturday November 24th
Time slot 1: 9:00am to 11:30am
Time slot 2: 1:00pm to 3:30pm
WHERE: Toprock Climbing
Sign up before November to get a free T-Shirt
Colleges and Universities are incredible places to learn to climb rocks! UBS is a climbing competition for bringing students together! Whether this is your first semester climbing or you're an experienced crusher, UBS is for you! You can expect tons of awesome climbs, free giveaways, free Clif bars, and bumpin' tunes!
If you think your local gym would be a good fit, we encourage you to ask them to contact us.
If you are a gym looking to host, please fill out the following form so that we may send you more information.
If you are a company looking to sponsor us, please contact us via the contact menu above.
Thank you
The UBS team
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